Hi there. This is a new blog for a little group with a simple purpose: to share the work we do with other artists, get critiques and grow. Simple but powerful.
We are all artists in different fields, at different stages in our careers, with different lives, but we all want the same thing: to grow and get better and share. We were finding that spending the time trying to get noticed on forums for the purpose of getting feedback was not working out. Too much time was spent for too little return. So a more concentrated effort was necessary and this is what the blog attempts to do.
It is also an effort in building a little community for those of us involved and those of you that will come to visit us regularly. We all still frequent forums and we all have our sites and places we still like to hang out. Links will be added to all those locations.
We will also add links to places where we think that you, as an artist, will also find great resources to help you grow as well. Bear with us at the beginning as our little corner grows into itself.
As for introductions? I think i will leave that to each of our members as they make their first post.
We hope this will be the first of many of your visits.
You have our sincere thanks,